Approach Community Homes Limited
Farmland Cottage
Broadmoor Road
Norfolk IP25 6SZ
Fullwood House- 01159445066
These are some pictures of the brand new kitchen Milton has had put in, giving it a fresh and modern look with plenty of storage and movement space.
These are some pictures taken from one of the rooms that have been refurbished and as you can see it has been given a very modern look and allows plenty of natural light in. it also has a beautiful bay window and lovely en-suite bathroom.
Here is a picture of the stairs and hallway which are going to be re-carpeted this year. There are also some pictures of the lounge area which is a very light and airey room, also been redecorated to give it that lovely modern feel.
Above are some pictures of the finished hallway which is lovely and light, along with the new flooring for the hallway and stairs. it gives the house a lovely modern finish.